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Theatre Lighting Design

WebSite and Graphic Design


Interior Lighting Design and Project Management

What I Do

Creative Design

Working as a Creative Team is a big part of Creative Design. Brainstorming ideas together and learning how to find a common bond in artistic realisation.

Theatre Lighting Design

I have been working as a Theatre Lighting Designer for 40 years in a wide range of disciplines , Opera to Ballet, Classical Drama to modern works and Musicals old and new. 40 years has taken me to so many places around the world to work with people of all nationalities and talent.

Website & Graphic Design

Working on a Web Design is all part of that Creative design technique. To convey a message with a visual message and introduction.


I am slowly building my Photography Portfolio. I steam my latest work to Flickr. Click the Icon to view my latest photo Stream and Albums there.

Interior Lighting Design

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Coming Soon